Jun 15 2020
Aug 31 2020
Summer Online Art Classes with Vian Borchert

Summer Online Art Classes with Vian Borchert

Presented by Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture at Online/Virtual Space

For the Summer season, acclaimed artist Vian Borchert will be offering 2 online art classes, Watercolor Painting on Monday mornings and Drawing on Friday mornings. The art classes will be conducted via Zoom.
In each class Borchert makes the experience visually pleasing with a different project. Live demos and a presentation are given in each class. The students love seeing Borchert's work in progress and their progress and growth from a white sheet of paper to a complete finished painting and drawing at the end of each session. The students work along with the teacher while Vian sees their progress and provides guidance.
Engaging in the arts and doing something creative and fun especially during these trying Coronavirus times is helpful for one's mental health.
In Borchert's online Summer classes, one will learn how to work from still life and landscape projects in mediums such as watercolor for the painting class; and in charcoal, colored pencils and ink for the Drawing class. The classes are for all levels of students, and open to all students.
Here are the classes info and registration link:
The classes are through the Yellow Barn Studio & Glen Echo Park.
Beginning & Intermediate Watercolor

Monday mornings
Registration link:

Beginning & Intermediate Drawing
Friday mornings
Registration link:

Regarding exhibitions, The Yellow Barn Faculty Art Exhibition is now up online via Glen Echo Park Partnership Galleries. Vian Borchert has 3 of her signature abstracted landscape paintings highlighting her love for nature and the ocean.
Here is "Blue Waves" - 2020.

For more info visit: www.vianborchert.com/classes

Dates & Times

2020/06/15 - 2020/08/31

Location Info

Online/Virtual Space