Spirit of Freedom

Spirit of Freedom

Sculpture - Outdoor

 191 East Jefferson St, Rockville, MD, 20850

This is a bronze figure mounted on a pedestal that appears to be natural sandstone [Viewed at 20X magnification the light brown stone appears to consist of fine grained quartz particles with no binder]. The sculpture is in a clearing near a closed entrance to the Montgomery County District Court (Gray Courthouse) on S. Washington Street. Folds of fabric cover an absent female figure that is suggested by the drapery, with hollow spaces visible where the head and body would be. The figure has a dark patina on its smooth interior and green wax on the rough corduroy- type texture of the outer drapery. Under the green wax there is a light and mid-brown variegated patina on the bronze that appears to have a paint component.

Medium type: Bronze & Patina

Date created: 1992

Dimensions: Figure: approx. 5’ (L) x 4’ (W) x 6’ (H)Base: approx. 4’ 6” (L) x 3’ 6” (W) x 30” (H)

Location Info

191 East Jefferson St

191 East Jefferson St, Rockville, MD, 20850