Bethesda Walkaround

Bethesda Walkaround

Sculpture - Outdoor

 7200 Arlington Rd, Bethesda, MD, 20814

Fourteen small figures walk on a circle supported by four pillars that are set in flat cylindrical bases. The figures include mothers pushing their babies in strollers; a young couple holding hands; a woman walking with her dog on a leash; men and women holding various items such as bags, briefcases and jackets. The figures wear brightly painted clothes and have cheerful faces.

Medium type: Concrete/Cement - Steel

Date created: 1989

Dimensions: Sculpture: approx. H. 11- 1/2 ft. x Circum. 24 ft. x Diam. 5 1/2 ft.; Base: approx. H. 8 ft. x Circum. 24 ft. x Diam. 6 ft.

Location Info

7200 Arlington Rd

7200 Arlington Rd, Bethesda, MD, 20814