

Sculpture - Outdoor

 919 University Blvd West, Silver Spring, MD, 20901

The artwork is a steel gazebo painted mint green, supported by I-beams, containing seats of steel rods suspended on sheets of steel cut and welded to the structure. Other cutouts include the shapes of men and women with outstretched hands and words.SIRIS description: An octagonal steel gazebo installed in the school courtyard features four interior benches adorned with cut-outs of figures holding hands. Around the top of the gazebo each side features a narrow panel of steel with cut-out letters forming the words: (from left to right:) KNOWLEDGE, LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, FREEDOM, IMAGINATION, PEACE, COOPERATION, and FRIENDSHIP. The sculpture is bolted to a flat concrete base.

Medium type: Concrete/Cement - Steel

Date created: 1990

Dimensions: 144 x 1 144/ x 8/ inches

Location Info

919 University Blvd West

919 University Blvd West, Silver Spring, MD, 20901