

Sculpture - Outdoor

 10200 Sligo Creek Pkwy, Silver Spring, MD, 20910

A boy and a girl sitting side by side. The girl appears to be whispering in the boy’s ear. This is a solid cast stone sculpture of two seated children, a boy and a girl, whispering to each other. The figures are seated on a round self base and the sculpture is set on a concrete pad that is lower than the surrounding ground and surrounded by 4 x 4 timbers, mulch and two park benches.

Medium type: Marble/Stone

Date created: 1992

Dimensions: 4’ (L) x 4’ (W) x 5’ (H) Self base: 9” (H) approximate.

Location Info

10200 Sligo Creek Pkwy

10200 Sligo Creek Pkwy, Silver Spring, MD, 20910