The Plunge

Grouping of three abstracted human figures. Male and female figures standing side-by-side support child in linked arms; male’s proper right shoulder touches female’s proper left shoulder; corresponding knees also touch; male and female figures are cut off below knees that rest on base. Adults raise child in cradled arms; child is standing legs bent; proper right leg slightly forward. Child’s head is tilted slightly down; arms are raised over head, as if about to jump or dive.

Location: Rural

Medium type: Bronze & Patina; Concrete/Cement

Date created: 1992

Dimensions: Bronze, approximately 6’h x 5’w x 3’d. Concrete, approximately 3’h x 6’w x 3’d

Associated artists

Azriel Awret
Azriel Awret


20151 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD, 20837