The Sanctuary

A semicircular bench made of steel tubing supported by five vertical I-beams. In front of the bench is a small chariot drawn by two horses. Each I-beam is topped with a red circular pedestal which supports a small sculpture and these sculptures from left to right are: a dark-blue moon and yellow star; a blue male dancer; an orange flame of knowledge; a fuschia female dancer; and a yellow sun. A horizontal strip festooned with bunches of light-green grapes and dark-green vines runs across the top of the I-beams. Blue doves flank each I-beam just below the horizontal strip. Light green waves form side support on the I-beams at each end of the bench.

Location: Rural

Medium type: Concrete/Cement; Paint; Steel

Date created: 1989

Dimensions: Approx. H. 9.5 x D. 2 x Diam. 16 ft.

Associated artists

Lisa Kaslow
Lisa Kaslow


20301 Brandermill Dr, Germantown, MD, 20876